I spent a little time today tinkering with the PHP code for my photography pages. I managed to get the photographs from within Gallery displaying in the look and feel of my site. This makes me very happy, especially with the Christmas season fast approaching. I’m sure my camera will be working overtime as we begin the festivities with family and friends.
Too much Flesh? Apparently yes, according to a recent Slashdot posting. Once again, Internet filtering is proven not too work because the Internet, just like any other mode of communication, requires context in order for one to understand and interpret a sense of meaning.
The Flesh Public Library–named after one Leo Flesh, former businessman and respected citizen of Piqua, OH–should have considered this before they installed filtering software on their computers. Oh yes, their own website was blocked by Net Nanny, one of several internet filters known for its shoddy credibility!
To compound the already obvious blunder, the library decided to modify its domain name, rather than to correct the problem with Net Nanny.
For more on internet filters, check out Alvin’s paper, “Internet Filters: Library Access Issues in a Cyberspace World.”