
I just received a beta account with a new social bookmarking site, Ma.gnolia. I’m awaiting import of my bookmarks, which they make dead simple for anyone to do using the api.

Once imported, I’ll have a better feel for whether it has enough to it to make me jump ship.

It’s definitely a sexier site with some nice integration of community features somewhat like the inbox but taken to a whole new level. There’s also a private bookmarking function and page archiving which many people often desire.

Interesting approach, don’t you think. It reminds me of “the story of libraries” that maybe we ought to trot out more…

Anyway, I’ve already found a new useful bookmark – Openomyy. A 1 gig online storage account that uses tagging instead of folders. A quick search and I noted Zeldman was starting to say nice things about it, so I’ll have to keep watch on it.

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