CAS Database Information for Handhelds

Nice. Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) dips their toes into the world of cell phones and handhelds…

There is even reference to SciFinder Mobile (well…”CAS Mobile” available through SciFinder). There will be a few library licensing wrinkels to overcome to be sure but nothing that hasn’t been overcome before.

What other database vendors are looking at rolling out services for handhelds? More than a few, I hope. It doesn’t seem like rocket science to me. Vendors developing within a standards-based framework should have little trouble making their products available to mobile users and their devices.

Content migrates easily given that the containers it comes in are developed intelligently (better yet, provide APIs or hooks for content and let us help with the container building).

Unfortunately, I suspect that more than a few of our vendors will have to pull up their socks and start to develop their products with more attention to standards and interoperability.

Play nice and we all win. That’s the way it has to be.

What a day! I really could have done without the leaking water and the triple digit plumbing bill…!

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